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Toby APastor of Groups

Since 2024

Who I am:

Following the Lord's direction, our family moved to Oklahoma City in 2023 to be a part of Bridgeway Church. I have served Him in vocational ministry since 2004 as an associate pastor, church planter, pastor, university educator, and Baptist state convention staff. Christy and I have two grown children who moved to OKC with us. Mya works as a Bible teacher and Joel is a web developer and computer programmer. We love baseball, have visited all of the MLB stadiums, and love traveling throughout the nation on vacation. Some of my hobbies include gardening, reading, writing, biking, and home butchery (processing deer and sausage-making).

What I do:

Our family is so excited to be a part of a Word and Spirit church! We are passionate about seeing people get connected into a group that provides spiritual care, growth, and opportunities to reach their neighbors and neighborhoods with the gospel. I have a desire that each covenant member at Bridgeway will be an active member of a multiplying group, grow as a disciple, and take a next step to be one who makes disciples (2 Tim 2:2)!

What God did:

There was a time in my life when I thought my salvation was based upon my work. I had heard the gospel as a child, but was basing my salvation upon how good I was rather than the completed work of the cross. After hearing the gospel is about admitting my sin and turning to Christ who paid for my sins, I found freedom! Now I have a desire to follow Him, share His gospel, and make disciples as believer in Jesus.